Tuesday, November 08, 2005


can't i just be happy? why won't people leave me alone about missionary dating and Zivan not being a Christian. i'm just happy with him.
my good family friend the Butlers, who are like family (so much so that i don't knock and the mom yells at me just like her own kids, well we did live with them!)...well Barb (the mom) was about to give me the 'he's not a Christian' speech so i pointed at her 17 year old daughter and shouted "her boyfriend cheated on her!" so i could avoid that ridiculous speech. and it worked she shifted focus to her daughter and told her that my mum had somethings to say to her.

Zivan just makes me happy, can't that be enough?


Blogger Allison said...

because temporary happiness is not the most fulfilling goal in life? slash it can lead to problems when it is centered on self-pleasing? i know your "why" was rhetorical but i love you and i feel it my duty to say what i think is true... mmmm my kalison/kaylikiss love :)

11:45 PM  
Blogger Court said...

Because you wouldn't stand aside if you thought I was doing something that was going to hurt me.
I love you, if you don't know that or believe that your not listening to your heart. Everything I say comes from that love. I know how good it feels. Lets face it christian guys suck at impressing girls. But that dosen't change the simple fact that you are negativly impacting your relationship with God by this choice.
I know if you don't want to listen then you won't. I've ignored people alot also, remeber. It never got me anywhere I wish I could be again.

4:33 PM  
Blogger Court said...

I'll exempt Josh S from my future comments

4:38 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

We can't be happy for you because we know it isn't the best situation for you. We know that what's best for you is someone who loves God and makes you happy. Only when someone loves God can they love other people properly, and that's everybody including girlfriends, parents, and the starving in the third world.

4:41 PM  
Blogger SClerk said...

having just come out of a relationship with a non christian il tell you its not what you think. You think that itl be ok and one day youl convert them and live happily ever after. Thats just my opinion but i can tell you my realationship with god right now is messed-all because i thought he could make me happy not god! Just be careful xx

2:56 PM  

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