Wednesday, May 03, 2006

human nature

people are so conditional. i'm realising lately. i guess i forgive and accept much more than most, not to say that i unconditionally love people like Jesus, i don't, but i've had to forgive more than most people. i've been fucked over so many times by my family and boys i've loved, that i've had to forgive them and move on. my father especially is the most unreliable person i know but he's still my father. trust him or not i still want a father. and for boys well let's just say Demetri was an excercise in forgiveness. or maybe it's because i fuck up so much that i give people the permission to do the same. i can't hold things against people if i can't hold up to them myself. i don't know it's just stuff i've been realising. more reasons why church is hard for me. but not an excuse for not to become involved in church. wait forget that, i don't want to 'become involved in church' i want to be church, to live church with the church. i want community again. the closest i have to community right now is the people who are in the pictures with me that are on the internet. i want accoutability. all i get is disapproval. i have no direction at all. (here we go, what's actually bothering me.) remember last year when i tried to figure out what to do this year, i had a nervous breakdown. i knew that if i had no direction, no plan, i would start doing exactly what i'm doing now, drinking way to much and messing around with rockstars. my life may be crazy and fun, but that's all it is.

i'm so envious of everyone with a plan. even if it's just a tentative small plan, atleast it's a plan.


Blogger Pamela Joy said...

I've considered it at times but when it comes down to it... I would never confront someone about personal issues via a blog. I find that to be weird and rather innapropriate since they're public and all. And then other than that I don't really talk to you any more so I've never felt like I've had the right to.
I'll tell you this though... I am praying for you. and it does make me sad when I see that you're not making good decisions. Not sad in a superior or judgemental way. Sad in an I love you way and I know those temptations are strong for you but I really wish you wouldn't give in to them and let yourself get hurt by them!
If I COULD talk to you face to face I'd say some more and also want to listen a whole lot more... but since that's unlikely I'll keep praying for you. If you want to know what I'm praying you can check out Eph. 1:18-19.
P.S. I like what you said about being the church not getting involved with church. I think you're right on with that - just don't let it stop you from doing practical things that help the church or help yourself as a part of the church just becuase they fall under the category of "getting involved".

3:03 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

I'm sorry you don't know where life is taking you. It's so frustrating when you have nothing to look forward to. I actually struggled with the lack of accountability, which I miss a lot about Capers. I still love you Kaylie, no matter how much you could ever mess up, I still love you because I mess up too, in very different ways, but it still negatively affects my life and future, and so in that small way we are the same. We discovered quickly that you and I are totally opposite, and yet for some reason we were able to love eachother more for that very reason. From what i've learned is that I have to learn from what I do, even though I wish I hadn't done it the second it was done, I must grow into something else, not something fake, but somehting more real. I'm with Pammy, it hurts to see you hurt, and it hurts to see you in a place that isn't right. I wish I could be with you right now, but a virtual kiss on the cheek will have to do!

2:42 PM  
Blogger Béthany said...

im a mess. but this isnt about me. i just read your post and felt acutely all the way through it "i am a mess" i had to post it. forgive me for making this comment about myself, i guess its a way of saying "i know how you feel" without saying "i know how you feel"...but i just did anyways.

4:55 PM  
Blogger Court said...

I didn't read the other response so I aplolgize if this over laps with any of them. Direction is a hard thing to life without. You know how I have delt with it lately. All I can say right now is you may not know that direction you want to go. However, you should know a direction you don't want to go. Stop taking the easy way out.( I say it to me as well) This is not dissaproval. You know me too well to think it is.
This is conversational thought that I think well thinking about me and you and life. I love you and I know you have purpose and direction. But faithful in the little things and God will give you big things to be faithful in. I would love to talk to you soon.

11:46 PM  
Blogger Leslie Puiras said...

Kaylie, remember how you came on my blog and reminded me we are identical?.. Well guess what!!... ;)

5:43 PM  

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