Tuesday, March 07, 2006

my biggest fear and criticism with unity in the church is uniformity.

so often i feel judged and criticised in church; if i'm honest with people, and we can't have unity (or much at all) without honesty. i know that i seem like i don't care what people think of me but like courtnay said i do and i'm sensitive. which, from past experiences with the church, makes me distance myself and be standoffish in church. it's individuals that make up the body of Christ and it's that individuality that should not be lost in creating unity. God Himself created these individuals.
i know i'm not a typical Christian culture scence kid. there's a list i almost posted on how much i don't fit into church culture, but there's not much of a point in me posting it.

i agree with Pam 100% on the need for unity in church before loving the non-Christians, because trust me our dissension is one of the biggest criticism against the Christian faith. so we need to fix that pronto. but the practicality of that happening is low when so many feel ostracized in church circles. i know i do. many would now say that it's my fault and my insecurities but how did you react to me when you first meet me? i've heard so many times that people thought i didn't grow up Christian, well nope i've been a Christian all my life.

it hurts that i feel like i can't be honest with Christians; i value honesty highly and the flipside of me not feeling like i can be honest is that i don't say much at all and thus connect with no one in the church. i mean what do i have in common with a bunch of quiet republican girls who just want to get married. NOTHING! i'm a loud socialist who misses sex more than i miss anything from Capernwray and marriage is scary to even type at this moment. i don't like Christian music because it has cheesy lyrics and bad music quality. if i don't like Celine Dion why am i suppose to like Crystal Lewis just because she's a Christian? i could go on about how Bush's war is constitutionly illegal and how i think Jesus was a socialist, but those were included in aforementioned list i earlier deleted.

basically i'm saying that there is a cookie cutter Christian mold that i don't fit into and it interrupts our unity when we exclude people. so we can talk about the need for unity but if we don't widen our idea of what being a Christian looks (i said looks in reference to appearence so please don't have a blasphemy hissyfit) like than we will never acheive unity at all. i think acceptance is lacked in the church so much in fear of becoming a Unitarian Universalist, but we're regressing back to Puritianism. maybe i'm too liberal but i like to call it relaxed. it's okay to not be pressed and creased and politically correct all the time. Jesus was probably dirty from traveling everywhere and sleeping wherever so it's okay to not take a shower everyday. don't brush your hair for a month and then try to watch the grammy's or oscars or whatever rediculous award show was just on and see how long you last. fucking relax and let people be who God made them to be!

*this was suppose to be and started off as a serious heartfelt post but i'm in too much of a good mood that i can't not be funny!


Blogger Court said...

As much as I know where you come from. I veiw church from the opposite side. I view from teh inside out. As much as Ihave been judge in my life my true regret it that I have judged. See the unity of the church includes us stepping up and owning up to the fact that we are the church. Part of the pain that has been inflicted upon you is because we were all 18 once and shot off our mouths without thinking about what we were doing. I hated that peopel pushed me away from the church when I wanted to be apart of it. That they tryed to make me into someone I wasn't ready to be. But now, I can't blame it on my parents. Now I am the church as well. So I try and love instead of hate. I have a hard time. My pastor just left, after I believe thoughly mistreaing my father. I want to cry. I want to say it isn't fair. But the truth is, it's a waste of time to do anything but turn the other check. I love you kaylie. This is your chance to show someone what the church is. A crazy blonde who doesn't shower very often and dosen't fit the mold. I'm sure there is a thousand spell errors in here sorry.

5:15 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

It is honestly people like you that make me love the Church, because you make it different. You teach me how to love the church because you are a crazy blonde who doesn't shower. The differences make it all the more amazing the Jesus love us all.

A song (yes, its christian but this guy calls Christians whores, and bastards) says: "You cannot care for me if you do not care for her. If you love me you will love the church."

6:25 AM  
Blogger Pamela Joy said...

I agree wholeheartedly with Kaylie and Courtnay both. Honesty is key. Not ignoring problems in the church is key. But also realizing that you yourself ARE the church (remember that song you sang as a kid "I am the church, you are the church, we are the church together... all God's people all around the world, we are the church together!"). Get in there girl, shake things up, be honest, don't let people get away with being fake - but do it out of LOVE for the church not out of selfishiness (which I'm not saying you are I just know that's a struggle for me).
I'm not a socialist, I was close too it at one point but I'm far from it now... but sometimes I say I am or that I'm a democrat just because I think I should be able to without getting dirty looks. And DON'T get me started on frikin Christian music! Come to my church in Portland. You will love it! You fit the mold there exactly - which is why I feel a little out of place... I'm not so much like that.
Anyway, I love you. Don't stop being honest.
Josh - I know the artist to whom your refer. He is AWESOME. My pastor wanted me to do a dance to "I am a whore I do confess" but we decided it would be a little weird... but I can't remember that artist's name and I've been trying to remember for MONTHS! What is his name??

11:50 AM  
Blogger Court said...

Congrats on the new plans girl. Capital Hill watch out!

12:51 PM  
Blogger Court said...

I posted pics on my blog probably only you can appreciate. love ya

11:06 PM  

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